"I live back in the woods you see, My woman and the kids and the dogs and me, I got a shotgun, a rifle and a 4-wheel drive...I can plow a field all day long I can catch catfish from dusk 'til dawn We make our own whiskey and our own smoke too Ain't too many things these old boys can't do"
A Country Boy Can Survive - Hank Williams, Jr.

Now what? Your world just imploded. A flash of internal panic flares up in your mind. What happened? What's everyone saying? Does anyone know? Where are my loved ones? Are they safe?
Ultimately, it comes down to one lucid and clear question - 'What do I do now?'
When the tornado klaxon sounds and the collapse of the monetary system render your dollars worthless, it may be too late or too little time to prepare.
But the clouds still gather. The grumbling of an aching infrastructure sound beside whispers of looming food shortages in face of intentional or climatic influences. Water is either drying up or getting poisoned.
Bottom line, a plan is needed. One that possesses mutual understanding between family, friends, and perhaps - even neighbors. This plan must be effected with unified purpose. It must be driven by an agreed, 'why'.
The following litany of questions below need to be discussed, answered, and agreed upon before disaster strikes.
Grab a beer and a brat. Call your loved ones over. Plan.
The Plan
Step 1:
Discuss how to evaluate the threat.
Keep It Simple - IS. DOES. MEANS.
What IS the threat?
What can it DO - to you and others?
What does it MEAN regarding how you will react?
What is the threat?
It's imperative that you know what you're up against. When the sky falls, tune into the news to learn what's happened. Regardless of any skepticism regarding MSM, the news is still your fastest source to determine the danger. In the absence of power (i.e. EMP or sabotage of communications systems by foreign hackers), it's imperative that you know where to turn to for information.
Can your loved ones get the info too?
Anticipate where they'll be in any given situation. Are they in school? Are they in the office an hour's commute away from home? Are they on the other side of the country? Are they in a senior assisted living facility (in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, many elderly in senior homes were left to die)?
It's a common oversight to narrowly believe that everyone will be together when the SHTF. When we spend more than 70% of our lives at work making money, chances are you won't be.
Ultimately, if you can't get to them, they'll either be under the care of their current guardian (teacher or caregiver) as long as the same caregiver is morally duty bound to stick around and maintain protection. I don't underestimate the panic to affect people differently - someone might drop everything to rush home to their own kids or loved ones. This is the ultimate in a breakdown of WROL - Without Rule of Law.
Midland ER310 Emergency Crank Weather Alert is a radio that features 3 power options: hand crank, rechargeable Li-ion battery, and a solar panel. Some additional features include a 2600 mAh battery for charging small electronics, a Crees flashlight with an SOS Strobe Beacon and an ultrasonic dog whistle. CLICK HERE to Purchase (pending)
The top 3 things to consider if you are separated from your loved ones:
Understanding their next move and ability to action it.
Ability to communicate with one another.
Pre-planned route(s) and rally point(s) to meet along with realistic times of travel and waiting.
Consideration One is dependent on your plan for a specific event and the ability to take action.
Panic can be mitigated by a plan buoyed by purpose.
Finding your way home.
Is the grid down?
Is your cellphone or other electronics dead?
Do your kids know the way home if they had to walk?
Do they have a GHB at school?
Have you prepared a GHB? Get Home Bag. CLICK HERE (currently editing) to learn more about Get Home Bags, uses and gear.
How can you communicate with your loved ones?
Provided the cell phones work (cell service was temporarily shut down in NYC during 9-11), can you communicate information to loved ones?
Some companies, such as Garmin, offer emergency text service that is free of cellular dependency and runs through satellites. Some models use GLONGASS (Russian Satellite) and GALILEO (European Satellite). This is critical if our own GPS is down.
I'm a big fan of the Garmin Tactix 7 and Delta Series - they're built like tanks and can store topographic maps on your watch.
Visit here to get an exclusive discount (pending)
Lastly, obtain a topographic map and learn how to read it. In urban areas, back it up with a street map and you'll have a handy, lightweight backup if the grid goes down.
Topographic maps are great as they can identify hills and other natural landmark features that can reveal key information such as water sources along the way.
Where I live, a large homeless population live in the storm drains and washes. When I back up the Topo map with a Street map that identifies these areas as places to avoid, it can come in handy for loved ones who may not be thinking clearly. I've also mapped out likely water sources along the way. This includes golf courses and water fountains, but I'd emphasize using water filters or boiling them before drinking.
Before I drink from any suspect water sources, I pack a silicock key in your GHB. These are special keys used by commercial businesses and restaurants to turn on the water spigots outside their building. You can usually find them at restaurants, where potable water is required outside.
Topographic Maps are essential to your plan. Click here to purchase a topo map specific to your area. Read more about how to read a topographic map and implement specific conditions that matter to your needs: LEARN More.